Static vs Dynamic Stretches


When and why do we do them?

In the previous article, we were introduced to the basics of stretches which included 'How We stretch?' In this article, we'll further our discussion to explore the two main types of stretches, static and dynamic stretches, and how we should incorporate them into our workouts.

Static stretches occur when we stretch the actual muscle or myofascial tissue. The emphasis is usually on a single muscle or a muscle group. Static stretches have a relaxing and elongating effect on a muscle, reduce injuries and muscle stiffness, and increase the range of motion. It is a slow and controlled movement with an emphasis on bodily alignment.

Dynamic stretches occur when we move our limbs, making our joints work and increasing the joints' range of motion. It's a movement-based stretch where the position isn't held. Dynamic stretch stimulates and prepares muscles for exercises or other activities; it warms them up and activates the joints. 

Since static and dynamic stretches are different in nature, it's essential to know when either type should be used in our workouts. Dynamic stretching is done directly after our cardio warm-up routine at the beginning of our workouts. Static stretches are done at the end of our training when we're cooling down and preparing our bodies for relaxation.

There is another critical point to remember. We should only do static stretches after our workout. The reason is that when you stretch your muscle tissue, you also dislocate neuromotor units in your muscles that send/receive signals to/from your brain. When they are dislocated, it might affect your coordination, which you will not want to have before your workout, especially if you work with weights. 

I wouldn't recommend static stretching right after you get out the bed in the morning as this could lead to injuries since your tissues are still cold from sleep. Rather, move around and warm up for 20-30 minutes before static stretching. On a day you don't work out, it is better to stretch before you go to bed as it will be more effective and you will sleep better.

Remember, stretching is more critical than exercising even though the effect isn't visible as the rate of progress rate is way faster. Stretches relieve your muscles and joints, prevent injuries, and speed up recovery.
