Static vs Dynamic Stretches
When and why do we do them? In the previous article, we were introduced to the basics of stretches which included ' How We stretch? ' In this article, we'll further our discussion to explore the two main types of stretches, static and dynamic stretches, and how we should incorporate them into our workouts. Static stretches occur when we stretch the actual muscle or myofascial tissue. The emphasis is usually on a single muscle or a muscle group. Static stretches have a relaxing and elongating effect on a muscle, reduce injuries and muscle stiffness, and increase the range of motion. It is a slow and controlled movement with an emphasis on bodily alignment. Dynamic stretches occur when we move our limbs, making our joints work and increasing the joints' range of motion. It's a movement-based stretch where the position isn't held. Dynamic stretch stimulates and prepares muscles for exercises or other activities; it warms them up and activates the joints. Since ...